
February Show '11: Introduction (D.A.M.N. Y.C. News)

Welcome to this very special episode of D.A.M.N. Y.C. News. This show has been around for about 10 years now and we want to take a minute to look back and highlight some of the most interesting, informative or just plain fun segments.
Log on to http://youthchannel.org for more info on the Youth Channel and their initiatives.

February Show '11: Coco Piela (D.A.M.N. Y.C. News)

Here is a music video by Coco Piela called Any Day Now, that actually gives a positive message for women who lose confidents in how they look. Coco Piela is an artist from Youth Movement Records. youthmovementrecords.org

February Show '11: Hip Hop 101 (D.A.M.N. Y.C. News)

Do you love hip hop...you do? then this next segment is just for you. Hop-Hop 101 is a game show created by MNN producer Malik Parker. He has created the first ever hip hop game show. So sit back relax and enjoy this segment. Google Malik Parker or Hip Hop 101 for more info on the show.

February Show '11: Youth Movement Records (D.A.M.N. Y.C. News)

Check out this mini Documentary about how youth from the Oakland area feel about losing their loved ones and see how these youth use music to express how much they miss them.
If you want to learn more about YMR log on to their site.

February Show '11: Paramore (D.A.M.N. Y.C. News)

Maria Gomez, a Youth Channel producer wanted the world to see the beauty of musical group "Paramore". She produced this musical segment on these young "shooting stars". According to their fans, Paramore heals with their music. Log on to youthchannel.org for more information on how to be a producer and make your own media!